Während Soundcloud bei seinen Usern momentan nicht grade punktet, kommt die Konkurrenz mit neuen Inovationen um die Ecke. So verkündete hearthis.at über Twitter, dass nun alle mit einem Official Branding ihre Musik auch verkaufen können.
Here is something new for all Artists, Producers and Labels! Sign-up for your „official“ branding and sell your music pic.twitter.com/9fkX1rIxHN
— hearthis.at (@HearThisAt) 8. Oktober 2014
Eine interessante Sache nicht nur für Labels. Mehr Informationen dazu kann man über hearthis.at/official/ finden.
How it works
After your request approval you can start selling your Tracks and Sets by activationg the sales function in the edit window.
- You can choose individually which tracks/sets to sell by clicking on checkbox.
- The fee will goes directly to your PayPal account.
- You can set up any price for your Tracks/Sets.
- You can upload more files which user will get downloadable after purchase. But no one want to buy previews, right? So you can upload full-length lossless versions of each track, plus additionally cover artwork and PDF info file – that’s what will be available after purchasing.
- You can make your tracks available for selling only within a sets or individually, it’s up to you. You can also set up a different price for the sets, i.e. make a discount for buying entire album.
Download link went to your inbox after purchase and you will be also redirected there from PayPal after finishing.
The basic service is free. There are no signup costs, and no listing fees. We make money via a revenue share of 10% on digital sales.
When a listener makes a purchase, the money flows directly from them into your PayPal account you specify (hearthis.at doesn’t hold your money).
As you sell on hearthis.at, we track it, and every tenth sale goes to hearthis.at. Example. You sell one track for 1 Euro. 1 Euro of that sale would go straight to you, but your sales count would now be 1. Then you sell another Track for 1 Euro. Again 1 Euro of that sale would again go straight to you, and your sales count would now be 1. As more orders come in, the payments continue to go to you and your sales count continues to grow by 1 of each sale. Upon the sale of your tenth track, your sales count would have 10, so that 1 Euro sale, and only that sale, would go to hearthis.at.