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Pracht (Frankfurt)

Samstag, 27. April 2024 | 23:59


Stained beschreibt den Zusammenklang von Freigeist, Liebe und Harmonie. Euch erwartet eine vielfältige Mischung elektronischer Musik und vor allem jede Menge Bass-Techno.

DVM (Stained Records)

Marialuisa (KPAC Milano)
DJ, godmother and co-founder of KPAX, a project for Music, art and events based in Milan.
Eclectic personality, she work as a CareTaker (yoga and psychoterapy) she manage a place, Giuba, which is her house and a “factory” for artists, performers, dreamers and freaks….
in the last 4 Years She could find a way to exspress her most lightfull and Also dark part through Djing;
She played as resident dj at KPAX events, and since 2 years also in Berlin and around many festivals in Europe, and Zanzibar ..
her sound is also eclectic and goes from slow deep spacey downtempo to deep tech sexy house , but comes always with GROOVE …
Slave of sexy sounds and dirty beats , lover of harmony and seeker of humanity sparkles, somebody call her “ a Volcano” …
Her master is Baby Yoda

Oliver Dust (Undertheground · Rumpelkammer)
Wer sich unter dem musikausdruck energy-power-house und rollin‘ bass-techno schon so grob etwas vorstellen kann, sollte auf jeden fall die party-tanz-granaten scum’n’dust abchecken. neugierig? zu recht!


Pracht (Frankfurt)
Niddastrasse 54
Frankfurt, 60329

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